Bacon & Three Cheese Gnocchi

With thanks to Dash for the recipe
We love bacon with anything. And it plays particularly well in any Italian dish.


1 x packet back bacon
Gnocchi (you could serve this with pasta instead of gnocchi, penne would work well)
60g butter
60g flour
1 tsp dijon mustard
625 ml milk
120g cheese (40g mature cheddar; 40g mozzarella; 40g parmesan). You can use any combination of cheese you have to hand.
A handful chives chopped
Salt and pepper to season


Pan fry the bacon until crispy & chop into bite sized pieces
Sautée the gnocchi in butter until golden brown
For the cheese sauce, melt the butter in a pot then add the flour, cook the butter and flour for a few minutes then add the milk and whisk until smooth. Add the mustard and then the cheese, whisk until the cheese melts.
To serve, place a ladle of cheese sauce onto a plate, then arrange the gnocchi on top of the cheese sauce. Serve with a sprinkle of chives, salt & pepper.